T:86-10-6280 0922
F:86-10-6280 0963
Aihua Jiang
Patent Attorney
Practice Area
Patent prosecution, translating, drafting, Patent reexamination
Technical Fields
Common Mechanics, engineering machinery , Vehicle etc.
Working Languages
Chinese, English
Ms.Jiang received her Master degree of mechanical manufacturing and automation from Beijing Information Science and Technology University in 2005, After graduation she took up 6 years technical work, she began her IP career in Leader Patent & Trademark Firm in 2012, then joined Runping & Partners and was qualified as a patent attorney in 2014.

Ms.Jiang received her Master degree of mechanical manufacturing and automation from Beijing Information Science and Technology University in 2005, After graduation she took up 6 years technical work, she began her IP career in Leader Patent & Trademark Firm in 2012, then joined Runping & Partners and was qualified as a patent attorney in 2014.




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